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迈蒙尼德誓词 - 医学生第一课

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9月14日,麻州大学医学院(UMass Medical School)白大褂仪式 (White Coat Ceremony)上,刚刚穿上白大褂的162名新生转身面向到场亲友朗诵迈蒙尼德誓词 (Oath of Maimonides) 。 迈蒙尼德 (Maimonides)是中世纪首屈一指的犹太哲学家、思想家,神学家和医生。

医者仁心,贯穿始终。 各个医学院校宣誓可能各有不同,这是我亲耳听到并深为感动的版本,特献丑翻译如下 :




永恒的上帝赋权我守护同胞的生命和健康。愿爱心无时无刻地激励我:既不贪婪也不吝啬, 不渴求荣耀, 更不让对名声的追逐污染我的心灵。


真理和仁慈的敌人会欺骗我, 诱惑我忘却服务患者的崇高目标。




请赐予我力量, 时间和机会来随时纠正我已经获取的,不断扩展新的领域。




今天我们可能会发现昨天的错误。 而今天我们认为完美无缺的,在明天新的光芒照耀下或许也会显现瑕疵。


我被赋权守护同胞的生命和健康。 此刻我已经准备好献身我的职业。 转身,我将随时听候呼唤。



Oath of Maimonides


The eternal providence has appointed me to watch over the life and health of my fellow human beings.   May the love for my art actuate me at all times; may neither avarice nor miserliness, nor thirst for glory or for a great reputation engage my mind。


For the enemies of truth and philanthropy could easily deceive me and make me forgetful of my lofty aim of doing good to my patients.


May I never see in the patient anything but a fellow creature in pain.


Grant me the strength, time and opportunity always to correct what I have acquired, always to extend its domain。


For knowledge is immense and the spirit of man can extend indefinitely to enrich itself daily with new requirements.


Today we can discover our errors of yesterday and tomorrow we can obtain a new light on what we thinks ourselves sure of today.


I have been appointed to watch over the life and death of my fellow human beings.  Here am I ready for my vocation, and now I turn unto my calling.





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